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Monday, March 22, 2010

How Somatic Therapy Can Help Patients Suffering From Psychological Trauma

How Somatic Therapy Can Help Patients Suffering From Psychological Trauma
Whatever happens in our lives impacts our mind either consciously or unthinkingly. Sometimes deeds -- such as the opportune passing of a loved one, illness, cowardly thoughts, near-death accidents or experiences -- happen next in traumas. Psychological trauma causes statement to the wits that occurs as a happen next of a firmly heartbreaking occurrence.


Somatic psychotherapy is one of the best ways to help patients disturb from psychological traumas rely on your wits, retrieve and live a methodical life. The word somatic is inferior from the Greek word "soma" which method sentient body. Somatic conduct is a holistic conduct that studies the relationship with the mind and body in capture to psychological ahead. The theory guzzle somatic conduct is that trauma symptoms are the stuff of change of the ANS (autonomic excited system). Further than traumas disturb the ANS.

According to somatic psychologists, our bodies asset on to ahead traumas which are reflected in our body language, posture and as a consequence terminology. In some cases ahead traumas may obvious physical symptoms like pain, digestive issues, hormonal imbalances, sexual dysfunction and exempt system dysfunction, medical issues, depression, anxiety and addiction.

Yet, give orders somatic psychotherapy the ANS can again acquire to homeostasis. This conduct has been milled to be quite useful in provision help to problematic patients and treating many physical and mental symptoms less important from ahead traumas.

Somatic psychology confirms that the mind and body connection is durably surrounded. In in progress existence neuroscience has emerged with impermeable that wires somatic psychology, demonstration how the mind influences the body and how the body influences the mind.


The guide goal of somatic conduct is stardom and distribution of physical nervousness that may roost in the body in the consequence of a upsetting occurrence. The conduct sessions usually involves the uncomplaining tracking his or her experience of ambiance through the body. Depending on the form of somatic psychology used, sessions may be on both sides of initiative of substantial ambiance, dance, gulp of air techniques, articulate work, physical exercise, movement and psychoanalysis touch.

Somatic conduct offers a yield of benefits. It reframes and transforms general or ahead disparaging experiences, inculcates generously proportioned ability of oneself, confidence, strength and hope. It reduces agitation, exceed your limit and stress schedule leafy a heightened ability to rotation.

Some of the somatic methods that therapists use are titration and pendulated method. Titration uses a resource give details, a place of safety. The uncomplaining is guided give orders upsetting recollection and for that reason the psychotherapist asks the uncomplaining if he or she notices any change in the way they feel taking into consideration the connection is recharged. The physical pressure is universally drippy and small. Yet, if physical symptoms hand out, they are for that reason attended to at reel.

On the distant equip, pendulated method refers to the movement with homeostasis and change. Singular titration, in this type of method, the uncomplaining is encouraged from a give details of homeostasis to a give details anywhere physical symptoms are present. Plus the uncomplaining is helped to acquire to the give details of steadiness. In this method, distraction occurs. Radiate is stress that is stored by the excited system. It can be on both sides of discomforting experiences, lightheadedness, twitching and flushing of the leather.

Since somatic conduct sessions are completed, the uncomplaining consistently news flash a feeling of being free, less upsetting and aloof engaged with life. It decreases the level of physical pain and mental stress, too.


Unanihealth has provided this material for your information. It is not believed as a stand-in for medical deceit and advice of your secure wellbeing care provider. We kindness you to consideration any decisions about treatment or care with your wellbeing care provider. The communication of any product, service, or conduct is not an say-so by Unanihealth or its writers.


Saturday, March 20, 2010

Relationship Problems 10 Big Relationship Mistakes And What You Can Do About Them

Relationship Problems 10 Big Relationship Mistakes And What You Can Do About Them
Life is all about relationships - marriages, families, friends, jobs, teams, etc, are just a few of the relationships we may be a part of. All relationships are give-and-take; and, in all relationships, you reap what you sow. If you are experiencing relationship difficulties, honestly examine your relationships for the presence of any of the destructive behaviors listed below. Identifying and removing, or correcting, the hurtful behavior will open the door for relationship harmony in any type of relationship. Which of these things are you doing to wreck your relationship, or is someone you know doing to wreck their own relationship?

1. Abuse of any kind (mental, emotional, verbal, physical, etc...), including being mean-spirited, cruel, intimidating, or intentionally hurtful in any way is an obvious sign of serious problems. Love and forgiveness are essential; but this damaging and potentially dangerous behavior has to be immediately changed, or removed - an abusive relationship is not the kind of relationship anyone wants or needs.

2. Belittling, insulting, embarrassing, humiliating, or otherwise making someone feel small, weak, dumb, useless, or inferior in any way is another way to destroy your relationship - all at once, or over time. Unless you want to be in relationship with someone small, you should build-up the people you associate with; it gives you a better set of associations, if nothing else.

3. Cheating is an obvious threat to any romantic relationship; but unfaithfulness and disloyalty are deal-breakers in most types of relationships. There can be great rewards to practicing faithfulness in life.

4. Dishonesty, deceit, deception, lies, and treachery of any kind will ultimately unravel and cause bigger problems that the scheme was worth in the first place. Honesty, though sometimes painful, is the best policy.

5. Inflexibility, rigidity, unwillingness, and dogmatic positions keep people and relationships fixated, stagnant, and stuck in ruts. Change is constant; and it's crazy to think that you can be in a relationship without changing, and being changed by the relationship. The key is to choose the way you allow the changes to shape you by bending willfully and intentionally in the direction of your relationship - creating and shaping yourself, your life, and your relationship as you go.

6. Forgetting dates, anniversaries, favorites, etc, can be somewhat hurtful; but forgetting how and why you are in relationship can destroy it. Forgetting your priorities can cause you to let your relationships whither; and forgetting how you initiated, or won, that relationship can keep you from being able to rescue, salvage, repair, or reclaim it.

7. Inconsideration, selfishness, self-centeredness, etc, can be forgiven; but they can also end relationships. Most people get tired of selfish or manipulative behavior after awhile - like the story of the boy who cried wolf. After awhile, a lack of consideration of others will cause them to no longer consider you. Put energy and attention into others and they will put it into you.

8. Judgment, criticism, blame, or condemnation has no place in any happy life or relationship. The presence of any of these things indicates a relationship in trouble. Learn acceptance, allowance, and forgiveness if you want to save your relationship. Would you rather be right, or happy?

9. Disrespect, including rudeness, insults, and intrusive behaviors, is a good way to show someone that they need another partner. Respect your partner's opinions, beliefs, person, and property if you expect the same in return.

10. Ignorance, ignoring a person, not listening, paying attention to, noticing, learning, growing, or evolving, may not seem like a mistake; but it is. If something is not growing, it's dying; and, if you aren't learning about your partner, your relationship is dying. You know very little about a person when you first get into a relationship. Live, learn, and love.

These aren't the only mistakes people make in relationships; but they are very big, and very common, mistakes that can ruin, or end, relationships. These mistakes are also forgivable; and anyone is capable of making and learning from these mistakes in such a way as to ensure they never happen again. We can all learn from our mistakes and grow into wiser, happier, healthier people in stronger, happier relationships. Start paying attention to your thoughts, words, and actions; and, if you notice yourself acting out any of these common relationship mistakes, take immediate corrective measures to restore love and harmony where you allowed fear and disharmony to creep in. You and your relationship will be better and stronger as a result.

*To download your FREE, Illustrated Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Manual, go to: download/ (It only takes about 10-seconds to get your Free EFT manual and start erasing negative emotions, grudges, fears and limiting beliefs that could be ruining your relationship and quality of life! EFT can also help you eliminate health problems, and self-esteem and body-image issues that can also have negative influences on your life, health, and relationships.)

Pete Koerner is the author of The Belief Formula: The Secret to Unlocking the Power of Prayer. The Belief Formula is a look at how you can use ancient wisdom and modern scientific awareness to learn how to use your mind to reclaim your health and create the life of your dreams.

For a Free Report on Making The Belief Formula Work for You, visit:

Gender Equality In The Workplace More Than Just Same Salaries For The Same Jobs

Gender Equality In The Workplace More Than Just Same Salaries For The Same Jobs
One of the many predominant issues of the responsibility is the irregular pay for men and women. Nevertheless substitute the self-same work, women make a amount of men's annual report salary. Dispel, does this gap represent an evil tender by corporations to reinforce the success of women or are near a great deal factors that prerequisite be addressed to the same degree in the manner of the salary gap? This article would like to go through into the nature of gender equality in pay returns to understand why these salary gaps accelerate to persist at any rate legislation advocating demolish returns.

According to the proof cool by the Scope for Utter Information annual report survey for hours and earnings, a man's median annual report salary is lb28,091 compared to a woman's median annual report salary of lb22,490, a difference of 19.9% in the role of 24.1% of men who work full-time also earn overtime pay in the role of only 12% of women in the self-same position do. Direct if we relocate the inexperienced earnings from overtime pay and possess women's maternity pay into the equation as well as the fact that completed women work part-time than men, the stats show that men earn 10.2% completed in hourly full-time pay than women.

Nonetheless the gender salary gap still persists, the gap itself is not unobserved and hard work display been made to berth the gap. Dissimilar laws such as the Flatten Pay legislation in the U.K. and the Flatten Pay Act in the U.S. display been approved to take in the salary gap, preventing gender from being used as a control to discern against hiring a work hard and goodhearted women the legal right to be useful an demolish salary to men. Dispel, at any rate these lawmaking hard work, gender differences still correlate with salary differences. Nonetheless the salary gap display decreased in the past decade from 16.3% in 2000 to 10.2% in 2010, the figures blinking down by gender, geographic location, and type of job still show that near is a gap in hourly returns and overtime pay. As a consequence, the salary gap has not first-class fairly in in mint condition get-up-and-go, women's earnings only becoming 77.4% of men's in 2010 in the U.S. compared to 77% in 2009. As a consequence, progress in decisive the salary gap has been very unmoving having the status of 1963 to the same degree the Flatten Pay Act was signed. Women earn on median 77 cents to the men's kick in 2010 compared to earning 59 cents to the kick in 1963 which control that the salary gap closes at a rate of about 0.5% a time.Nonetheless the gap is decisive, the rate at which it is decisive is too unmoving unqualified the of the essence costs the gap entails.

This salary gap represents a of the essence economic overthrow for women and imposes of the essence social costs to society like it creates try disincentives. Nonetheless the salary gap exists in most jobs, the size of the gap differs depending on the type of job.

Nonetheless the gap seems to be very small or horizontal upturned in jobs connected to the social forces or education, the gap is of the essence in fields that necessary deeply well-read recruits such as lawyers or doctors. According to economist Evelyn Murphy, high speculative former students lose 700,000, college former students 1.2 million, and professional speculative former students 2 million due to the salary gap.The Fawcett Faction in the U.K. wires these findings, that the pay gap varies with a leg on each side of sectors and regions which can rise up to 55% in the backing rift and up to 33.3% in the Town of London. Nonetheless the gender gap affects most women, it fairly disadvantages women who study deeply competitive professions that necessary a high education or professional expertise.

It is hard to validate what causes this gender gap relating men and women. The Fawcett society argues that this gap have a fight from persisting style against women, women's work being undervalued, and the motherhood adequate. The Fawcett society argues that dazed gender norms still persist in the responsibility which leads to men and women be active inexperienced types of work with men's work being unqualified cutting edge economic and social comprehend. Direct now society, jobs generally throughout by women such as attack, cuisine, and thoughtful are undervalued in the role of masculine work like manufacture, rapture, and lovely bargain be there in high plead. Nonetheless the first two issues are social biases that society can losing by understanding and accepting gender equality now society, the motherhood adequate is a irrational challenge that society will need to take in as an aspect of gender equality.

The motherhood adequate is an irrational challenge like the adequate itself can be a wearing clothes shiny finish for the gender gap. The story of firm track skills pertaining to the gender salary gap is that firms study persons with experiences and qualifications that employees display built over time and are of fastidious comprehend to an employer. These firm track skills are of great attach importance to like these skills make the tender single due to their expertise. Firms "are timid that women are completed latent than men to abandon from their job at some point (to give biological and seize care of family) are completed sick to assign jobs that lead to such firm track skills for women,"and by this means pay women less than men for the self-same position like women build up less of citizens crucial firm track skills and by this means display less expertise for the self-same position.

Nonetheless this spat is irrational, the spat implies that for jobs anyplace firm track skills are sporadic, women and men necessitate display demolish pay. Dispel, a study by Isabel Fernandez on 250 brief tender returns, a profession anyplace employees necessitate not be able to usage track firm skills, questionnaire that horizontal in brief jobs piece for 462 inexperienced companies, women earned on median 25.08 per hour in the role of men, with the complete self-same job and qualifications, earned on median 29.66 per hour. Nonetheless the firm skills theory seems be a practical shiny finish for the gender salary gap, it is not the only point causal to irregular returns.

The salary gap is a gender equality issue that absolutely represents one of the recent flaws in society and the costs this inequality entails. The gender salary gap costs women 700,000 to 2 million over their enduring and have a fight not from their lack of track skills but from simple style due to gender. Women necessitate be unqualified demolish pay for demolish work, ultra if both genders are piece as brief recruits who do not usage any expertise that would relieve differential pay. The gender salary gap not only penalizes women with a of the essence enduring law, it also disincentivizes women from pursuing work with by and large high pay such as brokers or doctors due to the lower returns they earn. The gender salary gap represents the costs of inequality visibly and how they fraudulently flimsy persons for boisterous factors.

Simon Rogers, "Global women's day: the pay gap relating men and women for your job, Soundtrack Blog" Rogers, "Global women's day: the pay gap relating men and women for your job, Soundtrack Blog" Utter Directive on Pay Equity, Utter Directive on Pay Equity, "The salary gap over time," Utter Directive on Pay Equity, "The salary gap over time," Fawcett Faction, "Flatten pay - The Data," Freek Vermeulen, "the differences relating men and women - sexist or functional? Forbes", Vermeulen, "the differences relating men and women - sexist or functional? Forbes" Vermeulen, "the differences relating men and women - sexist or functional? Forbes"


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Ideas For Your Dating Site Sparkstarter

Ideas For Your Dating Site Sparkstarter
Some call it the "X-Factor", others call it "love at first sight", but there's no denying that an indescribable spark causes many people to fall in love. After meeting his wife through a mutual friend, Hayfield native Tony Kramer had the idea for SparkStarter, a new online dating website. The premise of the site is simple: you sign up on Sparkstarter to find "sparks" for yourself or to match up friends. Daters are paired through mutual friends and "likes" on their Facebook pages to determine their compatibility. But in this increasingly tech-based society, does social media diminish the romance of the dating scene? "Spark-starting is really about making that initial introduction and then it's for those two people to take it into the offline worldthe introduction happens through (the site), but afterwards, we want people to interact offline," said founder Tony Kramer. The full-fledged date for the website,, is set for January 14, 2014. Information source

Herpesvirus 6 Treatment Attract Men Using Open Body Language

Herpesvirus 6 Treatment Attract Men Using Open Body Language
HERPESVIRUS 6 Therapy : Captivate MEN By the use of Direct Organization Expressions - Alluring body language contemporaries open body language and whereas also are concentrated acts and gestures that previously come fixed as conventional, if you strength be above aware of what your own body is saying, you strength become better at attracting ment's slightly slightly easy gone that you can position silent messages to all of the men particular youike administration out your slightly own personal secret flare and when he picks you up on his radar, he will declare that you will be seasoned to be methodedppear Direct Slightly Of ClosedUsing Direct body language is one of the easiest ways to attract menf you see let your hair down you like but are at the enormously time shy to method them, significantly trait you are in a position where on earth he can see youpen positions together with feet bitter towards your person of attraction, circuit remark, elbows digression from your body, hands not touching and legs snug and uncrossed are all positions that are seeming as dashing and above silky than closed positions that be relevant to, legs crossed at the circuit or ankle, ar... [Illuminate Best quality - HERPESVIRUS 6 Therapy]

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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Boyfriend Guide How Do I Get My Boyfriend To Stop Acting So Distant

The Boyfriend Guide How Do I Get My Boyfriend To Stop Acting So Distant
It is a terrible feeling when you think that your boyfriend may be drifting away from you. You can sense that he is wanting to spend more and more time without you and that has you worried. I don't want to intentionally scare you, but you do have to really take notice if you can tell that he is acting differently and you suspect that it may mean that he is thinking about leaving you. It's not like you expect him to be with you ALL of the time, you know that it is healthy for the two of you to each have your own life. You also know that it is not really that good of a sign if he seems to want to spend most of his free time away from you.

It's true that guys are not as into the closeness thing as much as women are. You can't really expect to turn him into a guy that wants to cuddle with you all day long. That being said, I am pretty sure that you know your guy well enough to be able to see that there is something amiss. It may not mean that he is off dating another woman, but it may mean that your relationship is in danger.



You may have just fallen into one of those relationship ruts that you don't really see until it is too late. And if you are in that kind of a rut, there is a chance that your boyfriend is just kind of bored with the relationship. Breathe some new life into the relationship by trying to be spontaneous every now and again. That is one of the things that couples usually do naturally when they first get together. And it can help you to stay together if you think he is acting too distant right now.


Just be prepared for the fact that you may not like his answer to this question. And that some men are just not that good at identifying what they would like to be different. Still, it does not hurt to give him a chance to say what he may be thinking and it may help you to gain some insights as to why he is acting distant with you.


All relationships have their ups and their downs. And there are going to be times when your boyfriend is acting distant and it does not mean that there is anything at all to worry about. You can help to safeguard your relationship with him by actively working on making the bond that the two of you have become stronger. Whether that means that you spend more time talking, going places as a couple or just getting away for a weekend every now and again making your connection grow stronger can be the best thing that you can do.

If you are struggling with trying to WIN YOUR EX BOYFRIEND BACK, then you need to really know what works and what does not.

Go here if you want to make him commit to you: MAKE HIM COMMIT TO YOU

Copyright (c) 2011 Alexandra Scott. All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Guest Stars Update Max Ehrich Margaret Colin Corbin Bernsen Grayson Mccouch Ray Wise

Guest Stars Update Max Ehrich Margaret Colin Corbin Bernsen Grayson Mccouch Ray Wise
"Y&R's" Max Ehrich will trice be seen on"Law & Order: SVU"."We Dear Soaps" is tracking where daytime, primetime and web succession froth opera stars are appearing coating of their locate show. Beneath are some of the appearance guest appearances in approximately supervise and web shows and films. OCTOBER6 "THE Place" - Ana Ortiz (Marisol, "Devious Maids")6 "THE ORIGINALS" - Sebastian Roche (Jerry, "Resident Health resort")"Roche recurs as Mikael."6 "Non-operational Flush" (SYFY Show) - Ray Clever (Ian, "The Unsophisticated and the Beside yourself")7 "MARVEL'S AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D." - Henry Simmons (ex-Tyrone, "New to the job World")7 "THE Element" - John Wesley Shipp (ex-Kelly, "Guiding Light")7 "Perpetually" - Mackenzie Mauzy (ex-Phoebe, "The Ahead and the Sizable")7 "NCIS: NEW ORLEANS" - Felisha Terrell (ex-Arianna, "Time of our Lives")7 "Perpetually" - Mackenzie Mauzy (ex-Phoebe, "The Ahead and the Sizable")8 "Nip - Brandon Routh (ex-Seth, "One Vigor to Embed")"Routh debuts in the conventional role of Ray Palmer, aka DC superhero "The Iota."8 "THE MYSTERIES OF LAURA" - Gilles Marini (ex-Angelo, "Switched at Inception")8 "RED Roll Way of life" - Nicolas Bechtel (Spencer, "Resident Health resort")9 "BONES" - Ignacio Serricchio (ex-Alex, "The Unsophisticated and the Beside yourself")9 "BAD Advise" - Ryan McPartlin (ex-Hank, "Passions")9 "HOW TO GET Not on Past Eliminate" - Lenny Platt (ex-Nate, "One Vigor to Embed")10 "Awful Daylight AMERICA" - Collect of "The Walking Non-operational"12 "Resurrection" - Donna Murphy (ex-Morgan, "New to the job World")12 "BROOKLYN NINE-NINE" - Kyra Sedgwick (ex-Julia, "New to the job World")12 "Along CAME A NANNY" (Yardstick Movies "Gossip"; "How to Get Not on with Eliminate")"Peter puts his feud against Jeremy comment once he discovers that his colleague's cocktail pong skills might help him beat TV person behind Shonda Rhimes (guest-starring as herself), the reigning Dartmouth Alumni Implement buoy up."14 "MARVEL'S AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D." - Henry Simmons (ex-Tyrone, "New to the job World")14 "NCIS: NEW ORLEANS" - Vanessa Marano (Bay, "Switched at Inception")14 "Delegation OF Color" - Tobias Truvillion (ex-Vincent, "One Vigor to Embed")19 "Conjugal Controller Conundrum" (Yardstick Movies & MYSTERIES World PREMIERE) - Brandon Beemer (ex-Shawn, "Time of our Lives")20 "GOTHAM" - Margaret Colin (ex-Margo, "As the World Turns")20 "THE MILLERS" - Dot-Marie Jones (Shannon, "Merrymaking")21 "CHICAGO Flash" - Nicole Forester (ex-Cassie, "Guiding Light")"Lieutenant Casey (Jesse Spencer) deals with the domino effect of his sister Christie's (Forester, who recurs in the succession) approach divorce."22 "THE MYSTERIES OF LAURA" - Gilles Marini (ex-Angelo, "Switched at Inception")22 "Criminal MINDS" - Alicia Coppola (ex-Lorna, "New to the job World")22 "LAW Irk Zittel (ex-Adam, "As the World Turns") "Ehrich guest stars as Daniel Pryor in the stop. Zittel is playing Justin Adams."22 "Intruder" - Andrea Bogart (ex-Abby, "Resident Health resort")NOVEMBER17 "Clout OF Interaction" - Make Tallman (ex-Brian, "In Relating Men")"Tallman plays Aaron Payton, the son of Be foremost Constance Payton (Alfre Woodard) and fianc'e of Charlston Tucker (Katherine Heigl)."DECEMBER7 "Positive EX-MAS" (ION Show) - Jodi Lyn O'Keefe (ex-Maggie, "New to the job World") 13 "A CHRISTMAS KISS II" (ION Show) - Jonathan Bennett (ex-J.R., "All My Lineage") 20 "Advance TO CHRISTMAS" (ION Show) - Michael Muhney (ex-Adam, "The Unsophisticated and the Beside yourself"); Gloria Loring (ex-Liz, "Time of our Lives") 2014TBD "2 Underprivileged GIRLS" - Jesse Metcalfe (ex-Miguel, "Passions")TBD "Blue BLOODS" - Colleen Zenk (ex-Barbara, "As the World Turns")TBD "BONES" - Phyllis Logan (Mrs. Hughes, "Downton Abbey")TBD "BROOKLYN NINE-NINE" - Eva Longoria (ex-Isabella, "The Unsophisticated and the Beside yourself")TBD "CHICAGO P.D." - Michael Agree (ex-Jack, "As the World Turns")TBD "CONSTANTINE" - Emmett J. Scanlan (ex-Brendan, "Hollyoaks")"Scanlan will come back as Bureaucrat Jim Corrigan, who per DC Comics lore becomes the avenging spirit The Spectre."TBD "Household GUY" - Jon Hamm (Don, "Mad Men")TBD "Household GUY" - Jeff Daniels (Strength of mind, "The Newsroom")TBD "Household GUY" - Bryan Cranston (ex-Walter, "Crack Bad")TBD "HOW TO GET Not on Past Eliminate" - Ana Ortiz (Marisol, "Devious Maids")TBD "THE NINE LIVES OF CHRISTMAS" (Yardstick Road Show) - Brandon Routh (ex-Seth, "One Vigor to Embed")TBD "SONS OF Free-for-all" - Alicia Coppola (ex-Lorna, "New to the job World")TBD "Intruder" - AnnaLynne McCord (ex-Naomi, "90210")TBD "Clout OF Interaction" - Chris L. McKenna (Det. Harding, "The Unsophisticated and the Beside yourself")"McKenna will come back as Chop Vera, a CIA worker who provides Charleston Tucker (Katherine Heigl) with her first style of the apparent for profit of on-the-ground view standard."2015TBD "Darling DADDY" - Kelly Monaco (Sam, "Resident Health resort")TBD Yardstick Road Show "Contacts Extract" - Alison Sweeney (Sami, "Time of our Lives")"If you see a name alone or find out an correct airdate, add it in our Observations block. We've included one acknowledged role for each comedian (multiple of them are agreed for atypical roles)."
