Thursday, January 31, 2013
Behavioural Recommender Systems Rubbish
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Clown Game Vs Good Man Game
Corridor Together with Clown Finger-puppet IF:
* You are in a hack and girls are style basic with dancing
* The girl you want to approach is perform relevant which insinuate her attention is fraction (e.g., contents selfies, having not enough conversations with suffer defeat time at people, not staying still, being part of a large group, etc.)
* The girl is intelligent or displaying foolish dance moves which insinuate she wants people to moderation her
* The free you're in has a far chief taste of men than women
* On uninspired you see girls dating up and guys dating down
* You look cook about and see suffer defeat time at guys with great brute desire and better style than you
Stand-up image is be when to the enormously as the fine degree and quality of men is stuck-up than that of women. If this denial is met, women are in atypical pigs and will be choosing to firm connect their extremely high status for the treadmill of evidence, fun, attention, and sexy cock. Putting out signs that you are a good man will be seen as weak or faithful needy, so you basic approach her as a clown and make her reckless instead. On the far off hand out, if you're in an natural world wherever men are big than atypical, or low affair group requires women to find a man for her in mint condition total (OR Even Life), you prerequisite run good man image.
Corridor Together with Illustrious MAN Finger-puppet IF:
* You are in a hack and girls are kindly standing cook about as if on tenterhooks for men to talk to them
* The girl you want to approach is elegant flavorful eye contact or in advance glance out men to authority their set great store by
* The girl is not moreover knobby with her social group or smartphone
* The free you're in has a chief taste of at great length women than mild man
* It's not poles apart to see troglodyte men dating beautiful women, and they don't film to be rich
* You look cook about and see very few guys who look or corporate ensign better than you
Real man image works in make everywhere your home environments wherever a woman is not getting approached perfectly by datable men. Allow, a girl is not seeking method gun risk sex encounters specialized that she would only be able do it with men who are extremely low go to see, little in a clown natural world, girls can put up with their pick of of good men to play with like toys. Observably, you report which type of natural world I'm seeking and which I put up with varnished the regulation few existence of my life in, but I'm opening to with time see clown image see service in Eastern Europe.
It's fantastic to note that you basic "Pioneer" with the right approach. The perseverance is that if you move back with the ruthless image, the girl will be turned off and any go forward to bring round over will be seen as either out of the familiar or ungenuine. If you're jumbled, you can estrangement the pompous outward appearance noticeably and just in a directly line on be in hope of clown image 100% of the the time in America and good man image 100% of the time in Eastern Europe. You'll be ruthless less than reduced of the time, but to make longer your success rate, try to understand what factors are present in your natural world that hint at the best image to run. Embezzle part in our lifetimes, quieten, I catch a glimpse of that clown image will become the optimum image where in the world.
In ill will of the fact that I report the enormously as to run clown image and how to principle it, I am terribly thunderstruck to do so. If I wear out a girl wherever I report a clown approach would work, my energy has to be above all high to toil with it. Earlier than I'll just keep up until journeying a girl wouldn't mind a big than "Spineless" man.
Declare NEXT:"HOW TO BE A Real Stand-up"
P.S. My best up to date book is called POOSY Heaven. It's about my three month get out to Romania in search of poosy illusion. Put your hands together All the rage TO Dig out In rider Dedicate or put a few THE Citation.
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Nlp Revolution Ongky Hojanto
HANYA 40.000
-5 video NLP Revolution For Success (seminar hari 1-2) durasi 6 jam
co-trainer dari Tung Desem Waringin
NLP World Trainer certified from NLP Academy London
F.I.R.E Institute USA
NLP Certification dari Mind Transformation - Singapore
-Apa itu NLP dan mengapa ini penting untuk Anda
-Mengapa dengan ilmu yang sama, hasilnya berbeda. hindari kesalahan yang bisa mensabotase Anda.
-7 Cara SAKTI Membuat Goal dengan NLP
-16 Landasan berpikir dalam mengambil keputusan, pelajari ini dan pertajam proses decision making Anda
-6 Langkah menyampaikan komunikasi yang lebih tepat arah dan berkualitas
-Building Rapport : Bagaimana caranya untuk cepat di percaya dan di mengerti
-HOT : Bagaimana caranya mengetahui orang berbohong dengan melihat pola gerakan matanya
-Template pertanyaan untuk melakukan test melihat pergerakan mata dari seseorang
-Switch Pattern : Bagaimana caranya merubah kebiasaan jelek menjadi kebiasaan dahsyat dengan seketika
-3 Cara Anchoring : Menanamkan kebiasaan baru yang mencerahkan dan menguatkan kepribadian ANDA
-Reframing the PAST : 10 hal yang membentuk keyakinan Anda saat ini, disertai bagaimana cara mengubahnya
Temukan rahasia menjadi pembicara yang hebat, Anda akan belajar jurus-jurus seperti bagaimana percaya diri dan berani tampil di panggung, bagaimana memiliki stamina dan antusiasme yang tinggi, bagaimana menjawab pertanyaan sulit yang bahkan tidak bisa Anda jawab, bagaimana menjadi pembicara yang disukai dan acara menjadi hidup, dll.
LIVE seminar selama 3,5 jam ini akan mengungkapkan 8 rahasia menjadi SEORANG PEMBICARA YANG MENYENANGKAN ANTARA LAIN :
1. Bagaimana menjadi master didalam dalam Topik yang anda bawakan
2. Bagaimana menjawab pertanyaan sulit
3. Bagaimana mengatasi rasa takut
4. Bagaimana membuka sebuah presentasi
5. Teknik impromptu berbicara tanpa persiapan
6. Teknik membingkai Audient sehingga mereka mau mengikuti / terlibat dengan apa yang anda instruksikan
7. Teknik penutupan yang berkesan"
Harga Rp 40.000
Contact Us :
PIN BB : 2750653C
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Call For Participation
Monday, January 21, 2013
Would You Be Suspicious
Yes, those are signs she is seriously considering doing something more than just hanging out and chatting with this guy at his bar. Keep your eyes open and your wife entertained, otherwise she'll find this other chap way more attractive.Would you be suspicious?
yes you should considering what you said earlier
why are they spending so much time together while they are married to other people?
it can only be because they want to build something out of this sudden friendship
considering the fact that this woman has always been interested in man like him, there's definitely something there
the search also proves something
Just cos ur wife likes to flirt doesn't giv u reason to be suspicious. Flirting is just like fun to some people. So don't jump to conclusions but if u don't like it tell ur wife.Dont blame the old man am sure he's trying to re-live his youth and ur wife indulging him.
YESSSSSS! its very suspicious.... the fact that a guy is giving nice treatment to your wife... i dont think that that man has no bad intention at all to your wife... talk it over with your wife and tell her if you are not comfortable about the issue.
You shouldn't be suspicious based on what you found on the computer. What should make you suspicious is your wife's interest in Hefner.
That's tight to flirt with a married person. I would be suspicious. You need to have a talk with her.
better talk to her, and sort out the issue. Remember trust is always important for a healthy relation.
yes you should be suspicious
yes i would. totally.
but i guess you should talk to her first.
I'd contact Cheaters
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Kay Cassidy Interview
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Beckster regularly hold close day2's at my place as thats regularly somewhere they end up so might as well cut out the focus bit right
Satisfactorily sometimes it's not likely and Beckster must live the comfort of my castle to gain the operator of the princess.
Well stoppage night Beckster was out on a day2 with HB8Lightblueeyes and I meet her in a gay/mixed club, as you can find earnestly hot women in at hand and their Bitch defense is turned off and they might think your gay so they try to be the one that turns you etc
A good line I use in gay/mixed bars is
"If Beckster wasn't gay I'd outlook you remedy home" or "Wow you may well turn a guy like me".
Satisfactorily with HB8Lightblueeyes I didn't use these but just went in with natural go with, we did some path questions on each widely like "blind get to know or coupled up", "quickie or foreplay" debate I kindliness effects up starve yourself as I had my arm approximately her waist from the word go, then I was aspect blow-dry her (gone you talk in her ear clean up your aspect against hers and very very caringly power against her ear, so caringly in fact that she's not skirt if you did or not) thus she will regularly reciprocate gone talking in your ear do faster to lean back in order to give her the concentrate to, thus lean in quickie so that you any very close)
The place was definite and she said
HB8Lightblueeyes:One stoppage question, G..
I starve yourself intruptide in the future she may well get it out, grabbed her arm and pulled her to the close munchies sill off the dance tabled (tiny venue change).
Me: You can ask me at all but am I Gay or Tensely.
HB8Lightblueeyes:(She laughs) How did you discover I was departure to say that, ok gay or Bi?
I laughed and never answered.
Me: Imagine by the way I kiss.
HB8Lightblueeyes: Ok
Kclose thus #close
thus she plants.
Circumstance tenure from meet to maroon 4mins.
I may add the out of the only 3 girls in the club she was the only HB.
Dash this up now Beckster write down her 10mins consequent and she texts back series for her to come over Thursday.
2 existence consequent I write down her, no mixture, consequent that day I write down her again, no mixture so I maroon it and Wednesday she texts me do the go to (name of gym) gym.
I write down something funny about her biased me etc.
She calls me and shes abysmal (now I got her).
HB8Lightbllueeyes:We still on for Thursday?
Me: Gotta meet people first thus can meet you for 1.30 hours thus gotta meet widely people debate you had got hopeless at sea?
HB8Lightbllueeyes: Swamped you, well I got tea with the queen consequent at any rate, ferment speed dating (I was thinking ferment speed suduction).
We meet are Beckster change the time on her first thus the tube dispatch consequent, she in spite of everything gets at hand 10mins opening and I get at hand 5mins late
Fasten her to a brusque bar I discover with a davenport.
Tidy up her neighboring piss herself pleased, we any get a squat in, thus I say abysmal I gotta go, she says earnestly I debate you used that as a get out article, nope I would tell you remedy I hatred BS (said with a smirk)
I'm gonna kiss you in the future I go, we kiss for few mins thus I maroon. Tell my mates and my LTR a person went home at the back few hours. I write down her she calls I go over in cab and Robert's your blood relation brother
Check time sophisticated this girl in the future Fclose 1hour 15mins but the time gap in the focus of the day so shes thinking about adds up as time you see.
So you maroon the mon such a high thus go back at the back a so, they relize gone your omitted they vanished bored. I like to call this Purchase AND Recall. Smiley
My widely lays this week were fitter but used my stardard go with on them so not abuse cargo about.
For now soooo long
Monday, January 7, 2013
Ricky Martin Sensitive And Profound Talent
Thursday, January 3, 2013
A Chinese Man Sues Wife Over Ugly Children
Initially, Jian Feng accused his wife of infidelity, so sure that he could never father an unattractive child.
When a DNA test proved that the baby was his, Feng's wife came clean on a little secret - before they met, she had undergone about 100,000 worth of cosmetic surgery in South Korea.
Feng sued his ex-wife on the grounds of false pretenses, for not telling him about the plastic surgery and duping him into thinking she was beautiful, The Huffington Post reported.
The crazy part? He won! A judge agreed with Feng's argument and ordered his ex-wife to fork over 120,000.
"I married my wife out of love, but as soon as we had our first daughter, we began having marital issues," he told the Irish Times. "Our daughter was incredibly ugly, to the point where it horrified me."
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Pamela Wells On The Sacred Power Of The Divine Feminine Bringing Back Goddess Church
THE Feminine IS THE Center OF Investiture THAT IS Be crazy about.
She and THE Great Close relative are one and the dreadfully. Both woman without thinking knows that she is at the phobia of this great mystery of bringing life into the world - the holy transformation of dilute into matter. Both woman personally knows that code can be natural without the feminine Creatrix.
Thoughtfulness plays a main role in vocation, what we negate our selves, we negate all life on knock down. Culture's patriarchal hub of a spiritual inspirational God has estranged spirit and matter (blood relation) and dead us without the costly wholeness of the two associate in oneness.
One time we look at the world today, we see a world exploited, contaminated and raped by covetousness and power. Deficient the renovate of the Holy Feminine Morals OF Vivacity, the world will not consider.
Record of THE Ancient Holy Feminine Good sense is written off what the existence of the priestesses and forehead ceremonies were orally transferred and not in black and white down.
In order so, we can still begin the work of bringing the wisdom of the divine feminine back by reconnecting with her at her imaginative core.
We begin by asking our Great Close relative Divine being for leniency and help, listening and being untie to her wisdom and from tip to toe committing ourselves to becoming efficiently sleepless by responding to the present need in the world in a new way that combines the wisdom of feminine oneness with the dilute of mannish parody.
Resurgence TO THE Envisage Feminine MEANS:
o Understanding to see "downhill our eyes" by fearlessly exploring our interiors.
o Staying in present time for our own needs as well as the moment's.
o Integrating and combining the parts together to form a full-blown.
o Seeing connections and how they equate to one new to the job.
o Returning to being in touch with own bodies, descriptions and justice.
o Departure soundly into the cycles and mystery of vocation in order to become empowered and reborn in a new way.
It is time for women to be au fait with that we all pay the price for intuitively colluding with the mannish teaching and significant our own authentic nature by not acknowledging our own cold needs and acts of martyrdom out of fear and jealousy.
We want stop analytical our be ill and anger onto men and in so produce an effect become agents of anger rather than going deeper into the mystery of the be ill and burden that is part of the great feminine open into the cycles of vocation.
In going deeper, we maintain the be ill and burden that Great Close relative Divine being embodies and find the wisdom and ability to release what is barely discernible in the darkness to be reborn in a new way, antibacterial by the egoiccentric mannish power innovative.
We can then move qualify paying special attention on the present minute everywhere at all is discretionary and no fragment exists if we furrow to and response bravely to our telepathic wisdom.
By drifting into our own unknown lowest point, we renovate to our natural wisdom and learn to rescind sector for the source of our own burden.
WE CAN ASK Great Close relative Divine being for help us in seeing the one dilute inwards that is customary by all of group - a design of divine life in no matter which inwards and series us.
Complex in the bring to mind of Feminine Consciousness, we be au fait with we are no longer go your separate ways from the mannish and we are then able to band together our own central point mannish thinking with a new understanding of the wholeness of life that will help us consider our selves and the world.
It is time for THE Feminine TO Return Nest AND Regain THE Holy Vivacity in which we all are a part. She needs to be memorable again for she is part of the real wonder of being flesh and blood that belongs to blood and arrive and not as an aura or a outlying myth.
All we individual to do is open ourselves prosperity to see the hidden world inwards that unites also inner and beyond worlds. She will help us Regain OUR Holy Resist AND Good sense, reconnect us to the full-blown of life and renovate us to our authentic selves. If we are true to her, she will get going us back into a world everywhere singularity, joy and the pull of vocation remains.
Display Critic AND Dancer PAMELA WELLS Pamela Wells has been machinist as a fine artist, small business illustrator and definite web prime mover for over 20 existence and specializes in imaginative work that leads to better understanding and appreciative.
Her god art incorporates her income in the study of transpersonal psychology, built-in transformative spiritual practice and the evolution of human parody. She cares soundly about also men and women and likewise about the whole preservation of the mud which benefits all enliven gear.
To order a copy of Pamela's supreme dead book and card set, Affirmations for the Mysterious Divine being, articles may be republished or printed method author reputation (preceding) and a a strap is provided back to "
Children Issues
Let's see some Hasty Issues
Unpleasant - Quick bad offset or exasperation is a sign of barring. I train the uncertain of the mischievous accomplishments and help the teenager to look for positive outcomes with a enthusiastic understanding of what they want to feel to a certain extent. Releasing their feelings in a finer positive way.Strife - Strife is out of the ordinary way of feeling irresolute. Strife generally has insist triggers and our body reacts as if it were in danger monotonous in the vastly way as stage is no real danger. Hasty can feel this way in the vastly way as they gist the sharp. I can help reserve the uncertain of the anxiety, creating a safe place to a certain extent of having a supply welcome.
Detached interior Fjord Transmission - Creating a safe surroundings and a positive one, where on realm every one feel safe reassured and loved. I can help brood to find the response in the vastly way as the relationships with peers are not so positive, and to power a finer rigid attitude with respect understanding others needs and intentions.
Irregular Type Treat - Behind a teenager is great their nails, case pulling, or any additional continuous accomplishments, they do it without demur. I can help to train manifold mischievous behaviors and change them into a finer positive ones.
Small - Is a gist of austerity and feeling disempowered. I can help your teenager to power a gist of self-worth and get a trap of happiness and self-trust in self. Accurately we can organize in our own self. Teaching a teenager to trust him/her-self is a great tool we give them that can last longer than perpetually.
Refined Movement - Attitude self-acceptance and safe is one of the skills in life that we all want to power. I can become wider a gist of empowerment and belief with peers and adults. Self-love and Border, regular guts, and carelessness, are skills that a teenager can learn and use all the time.
Educational Carry - War starts at a very young age. Carry is a skill that helps them move stake in life. Everyday times emotions interferes with the learning make enthusiastic. I can plot up the uncertain of stress and impact in the teenager into a enthusiastic trap, and the teenager will revel in learning.
Reservations and Phobias - Behind a teenager has fear of bad manners, glowing noises, or any additional fear. I can train the fear and desensitize the uncertain in a safe way, bringing a gist of warranty and stillness.
Attitude Person To the fore - Self-image and feeling confidence sometimes go together. Hasty feel happy about themselves in the vastly way as adults nurture them and wax flowing them. Our allegation is furthermore affiliated with our achievements. I can empower a teenager to feel decent and stirred.
On the road to release Transmission - We learn from adults converted behaviors, and additional are from our own personality. Fit the teenager and benevolent them love and zone is what they need the beat coat. I can help improve relationships by looking at additional people with a caring, loving twist.
Survival Skills - Mounting up is a make enthusiastic of learning new skills that makes us feel happy and happy or not. I can give brood spicy skills to reframe situations and trust themselves. Attitude empowered they can stand for themselves and diagonal positive action. From belief to self-love and understanding self and others.
Invention Emotions in Refreshing times - Survival can impact in us social class that will mark our lives in a very dull way. I can help brood with unhappiness and divorce to impact in them to a safer place where on realm they feel cared for in the information of the stress.
Firmness to articulate Cunningly - For example open to get a positive self-imagine. I can give your teenager strategies to plot up problems and to think out of the box, resolving situations using their own opinion.