"The practice of excluding people who are gay and lesbian from marriage has its roots in the persistence of patriarchal standards for the lives of women and men. The notion that men and maleness is superior dictates that men and women behave in particular ways that abide by the rules their sex dictates. For this reason, same-gender loving women and men are perceived as a direct threat to the norms that patriarchy lays out, as they, in their loving, challenge the models of prescribed masculinity and femininity that patriarchy determines. Gay men are a threat as they are perceived as "too feminine," and lesbian women are perceived as "too masculine."
In withholding the right to marry from same-gender loving people, the church is upholding this patriarchal standard for humanity. As a group committed to standing against patriarchy and its effects within the world and the church, ACWC advocates that same-gender loving women and men be allowed to participate in the commitment of marriage. The ACWC draws particular attention to the vulnerability of lesbian women in this exclusion, as these particular members of the body of Christ find themselves excluded and marginalized both for their gender identity and sexual orientation."
The ACWC, having just admitted that one of their goals is to advocate for same gender marriage, have, in their advice, placed themselves on the side of those who are adversaries of the one holy universal church. They are not in this case advocating for the needs of women but are instead stepping on biblical truths valued and upheld by many Presbyterian women.
Going further they have insulted the husbands and friends of many Presbyterian women who also value and uphold biblical truth. They have insulted my husband, my sons, my grandsons, sons-in-laws and friends.
In my estimation they have lost all sensitivity towards those they are called to help. If the ACWC was a committee that was part of such affinity groups as More Light Presbyterians or the Covenant Network giving this advice would make sense. But then, in fairness, they would not be allowed to place such advice on an overture meant to be voted on by Presbyterian commissioners. They are after all a Presbyterian Church (USA) committee meant to advocate for women's needs.
There is an even greater loss of sensitivity in their action. The ACWC is basing their advice on radical feminist theories rather then on the commonsense of the Bible. They have lost their care for scripture and instead are standing with the popular culture of the day. They are failing to be prophetic.
The ACWC have lost their sensitivity to the warnings and enlightenment of the Holy Spirit. They are rejecting the words of Christ as he reaches back to the beginnings of Scripture and insists that marriage is between a man and a woman. (Matt. 19: 3-7)
May the Holy Spirit sweep the church, once again, lifting up Jesus Christ and his word. May we bow before the holy God who calls us, while bearing the righteousness of Christ, and follow in obedience.
Credit: anita-pickup.blogspot.com
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