The EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM is geared towards high potential employees both in middle and upper management levels. While the lower levels are obviously focused at achieving top management positions, upper management employees are trained for two reasons - to further lead the brand and be updated about industry developments which will enable them to embrace directorial responsibilities easily. It helps the future leaders set the right goals, learn to influence and inspire others, communicate the right ideas clearly and deliver the best results. One reason why this program is so important for corporates is that new generation needs to be properly trained to takeover decision making positions in future and execute their responsibilities well. Customized or rather specialized programs incorporate the company ethics and underlying mission to build up a workforce that completely absorbs the right philosophy and thus can deliver the right results.
While the program is exhaustive and demanding, it is also well spread out so that busy executives are not overwhelmed nor is their workload disturbed. At the same time it gives them more time to absorb the curriculum and even apply their new found knowledge over the course of time which adds a hands-on practical approach to the whole program. Typically, the EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM includes 7 training modules -
* Leadership training and development exercises
* Action learning
* Team building exercises
* Group meetings and discussions
* Personal skills and behavioral assessment
* Mentoring sessions
* Seminars with special guest speakers and industry leaders
Each of these works as essential building blocks to create a superior workforce for the future. They address key competencies and lay the foundation for highly motivated individuals who get honed into a strong leadership role.
Some of the competencies addressed in an EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM include:
"u Innovating and ideating
"u Negotiating and decision making
"u Creativity and originality
"u Managing and enhancing resource potentials
"u Recasting mindsets
"u Behavior alteration
"u Managing and resolving conflicts
"u Influencing and inspiring
"u Personal negotiation styles
"u Leadership potentials
"u Power to drive change
Organizations can only move forward when they have competent leaders at the helm. Leaders who have well-articulated and clear visions that are strategic as well as persuasive; which are easy to follow and which inspire the whole team to deliver distinct, measurable results. When managers are geared towards driving organizational change and bring about greater impact the time is right for them to train themselves for future leadership roles. And it is only with the help of an EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM that they can bring about this change.
GARY TAKACS IS THE FOUNDER OF THE CEO UNIVERSITYis a US-based, CEO and Executive Peer Group Organization that creates opportunities for accelerated business growth and personal development through CEO Peer Group Meetings that are CEO-led, one-to-one mentoring focused on unique business and personal challenges, and purposeful learning events.
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