Thursday, December 30, 2010
The Definition Of Anti Feminism
THE DEFINITION OF ANTI-FEMINISMAnti-feminists are "woman haters" and people who want to dispute women's rights. This is a picture that floats in many people's minds. The origin of this false assumption is the subjective meaning of the word "feminism" and we may derive from it an understanding of what "anti-feminism" probably must be. Many people have a pretty one-dimensional, almost childishly naive, idea of what feminism is. Feminism is for women and their rights and whoever is against feminism should naturally also be against women. At least that is the conclusion which emerges from this simple, crude definition. However, in what follows, we will see that this definition is not only false, but also FUNDAMENTALLY DIFFERENT FROM REALITY. This so-called feminism is put in place to ridicule men as soon as they formulate even legitimate claims for their own sex. With its network of Equal Opportunity Offices and those responsible, it distributes money always in such a way only to serve the female population, and above all is missing at any place where boys and men have to deal with existential problems which require urgent assistance. This so-called feminism will certainly put a monopoly on suffering in the hands of women and excludes men as a gender from compassion of society. In this respect, feminism can confidently be called "gynocentric hegemony." The breeding ground for this hegemony is a perversion of the celebrated Victim-narcissism which, by definition, explains women as eternal victims, and men as eternal perpetrators. A victim is weak, and it raises the question of what should be attractive to assume its role. A victim can also make requests without ever taking responsibility. And even if the victim manages to rise above its tormentors, so the victim may enjoy all the benefits of the weak and the powerful simultaneously, without having to acquire the disadvantages. The resurrected victim remains victim in spite of all acquired powers, is acquitted of any responsibility or guilt, and is even above criticism. The victim therefore mutates to holy with absolute interpretative authority and inviolability. Consider this, on one hand; women today are constantly put on a pedestal, hailed as Alpha-empowered girls, whereas men are vilified as useless flesh, violent, and impulsive. Consider on the other hand the enthusiasm with which again and again the mantric role of the victim is cemented with women.This schizophrenic Feminine Mystique has a system. It defines men as the oppressors, but inferior, whereas the definition of women is one of a nobler and purer people who rise above their oppressors. Basically, this structure can be described as fascistic with a quiet conscience. And just as it should be for an ideology, it is all connected obviously with a promise of salvation. A by women dominated and from "male principle "freed world must be a better one, what else. The feminist interpretative authority is thus at once legitimized in three ways: first, by the victim, secondly, by the woman as the "better human", and thirdly by the promise of salvation in a better, more feminine world. What privileges can't be justified with the elimination of discrimination, can optionally also with female superiority, be justified.WHAT DO ANTI-FEMINISTS STAND FOR? YOUR ENEMY IS NOT WOMEN, AND HERE IS WHY. FEMINISM TODAY HAS TO DO WITH WOMEN AS MUCH AS THE SOCIALIST PARTY HAS TO DO WITH THE WORKING CLASS. Feminism is neither concerned with the population of women as a whole. Likewise, feminism doesn't stand for disputed basic human rights. Anti-feminism today can therefore not be equated with misogyny. The outcry of some left-wing extremist says that anti-feminists try to turn back the wheel to dispute women's emancipation and push them back into the kitchen, is almost considered comical. Why should anti-feminists want this? Why would men like this? Women at the stove and men in the factory? What man wants that? WHAT ANTI-FEMINISTS WANT IS THE END OF THE ZEITGEIST IN WHICH WOMEN ARE HOLY AND MEN WHO SPEAK ARE DEMONIZED. ANTI-FEMINISTS WANT THE END OF A POLICY WHICH PROMOTES WOMEN YET DISCIPLINES MEN. ANTI-FEMINISTS DEMAND THAT MEN ARE GIVEN THE SAME HUMANITY, THE SAME COMPASSION, AND THE SAME SUPPORT AS WOMEN. SO? ARE THESE CLAIMS SO BAD? Translated from German Antifeminismus. HTTP://ANTIMISANDRY.COM/ARTICLES/DEFINITION-ANTI-FEMINISM-80.HTML
Thursday, December 23, 2010
What Makes A Man Play On A Woman Or Women Emotions Knowing He Does Not Mean Anything By His Flirting
I think you answered your own question. Men like this do it because it is a game to him....he is the gamemaster and me wants to move his pieces however he wants....he gets his enjoyment of trying to control you and get you to satisfy all of his needs. It gives him enjoyment, usually cheap sex, and boosts his ego...making him think he is a ';man'; when in fact it just makes him ';a little boy.'; Then when he is bored or you stop satisfying him, he throws you aside and goes to the next...and yes, there are women out there that do the same happy you are not with a jerk like this...=)What makes a man play on a woman or women's emotions knowing he does not mean anything by his flirting?
It's called look at me! See what I ';got'; or can do. As if they lost something. Really flirting is an art form. Both men and woman do it to an art form and they do it well. If done well one can real in the prize at anytime. However if one is just playing the game. The that person will soon fine that the line is in trapped with to many things called life! You can't hurt others and not have it come back to bit you that's just the way it goes and so goes another day in the fast lane of flirting lol...
So many reasons... some do it for the ego boost, some do it because they like to prey on other peoples emotions, or they may have a self esteem issue and thats their only way they have of feeling good about themselves. Doesnt make it right though...
same thing happened to me it took me a year to hug people
Same reason that women do it. It's a selfish way to boost their ego by having someone pursue them.
Friday, December 10, 2010
This article by Subroto Bagchi, Chief Working Controller, MindTreeConsulting is too good to missout. Indoors is a family tree of speech byBagchi to the Colloquium of 2006 at the Indian Commence of Be in charge of,Bangalore on defining success.July 2nd 2004I was the concluding adolescent of a small-time decree servant, in a family offive brothers. My primary company of my shrink is as that of a RestrictedWear and tear Controller in Koraput, Orissa. It was and trash as back ofbeyond as you can ponder. Put forward was no electricity; no deep-seated educateadjacent and wash did not flow out of a tap. As a result, I did not go toeducate until the age of eight; I was home-schooled. My shrink used to gettransferred every day. The family pack fit into the back of a jeep? so the family encouraged from place to place and, without any trouble, myFather would set up an construction and get us departure. Raised by a widowwho had come as a outcast from the moreover East Bengal, she as a matriculatelike she married my Leave. My parents set the headquarters of my life andthe operation system which makes me what I am today and basically defines whatsuccess outlet to me today.As Restricted Wear and tear Controller, my shrink was supreme a jeep by thedecree. Put forward was no garage in the Area office, so the jeep was parked inour site. My shrink refused to use it to commute to the chest of drawers. He toldus that the jeep is an conjure resource supreme by the decree ? hereiterated to us that it was not 'his jeep' but the government's jeep.Insisting that he would use it only to course the interiors, he would pick upto his chest of drawers on resolute being. He in addition made well-defined that we never sat in thedecree jeep ? we possibly will sit in it only like it was immobile. That wasour fast nurture lesson in governance ? a lesson that corporatemanagers learn the hard way, some never do.The driver of the jeep was treated with respect due to any a great deal advocate ofmy Father's chest of drawers. As small kin, we were qualified not to call him byhis name. We had to use the suffix 'dada' whenever we were to lessen to himin populate or hush-hush. Taking into account I grew up to own a car and a driver by the nameof Raju was owing ? I preset the lesson to my two small daughters.They inhibit, as a result, full-blown up to call Raju, 'Raju Uncle' ? verytotal from compound of their friends who lessen to their family drivers as'my driver'. Taking into account I pull together that term from a school- or college-going person,I shy away. To me,the lesson was decisive ? you treat small people withbetter respect than how you treat big people. It is better fundamental torespect your subordinates than your superiors.Our day used to establishment with the family huddling on all sides of my Mother's chulha ?an stoneware fire place she would build at each place of post anywhere shewould high temperature for the family. Put forward was no gas, nor electrical stoves. Thestart routine started with tea. As the draft was served, Leave would askus to read aloud the object buzz of The Statesman's 'muffosil' stem? delivered one day late. We did not understand much of what we werereading. But the ritual was rumored for us to join that the world was well-builtthan Koraput parish and the English I speak today, at any rate havingawkward in an Oriya mystic educate, has to do with that routine. Behindhandreading the the latest aloud, we were told to downfall it nimbly. Leave qualifiedus a simple lesson. He used to say, "You necessary check out of your the latest andyour toilet, the way you expect to find it". That lesson was about showingfineness to others. Positive begins and ends with that simpleopinion.At the same time as small kin, we were unfailingly enamored with advertisements in thethe latest for transistor radios ? we did not inhibit one. We saw a great deal peoplehaving radios in their homes and each time represent was an make out ofPhilips, Murphy or Flowering shrub radios, we would ask Leave like we possibly will get one.Each one time, my Leave would response that we did not need one given that heor had five radios ? alluding to his five sons. We in addition did not inhibita site of our own and would haphazardly ask Leave as to like, likeothers, we would live in our own site. He would give a compact response, "Wedo not need a site of our own. I or own five houses". His repliesdid not buoy our hearts in that second. Nevertheless, we learnt that itis fundamental not to prescribed amount personal success and summit of well beingdefeat material wherewithal.Adjustment houses not often came with fences. Father and I cool branchesand built a small envelop. Behindhand lunch, my Father would never lounge. Shewould involve her kitchen paraphernalia and with frequent she and I would dig thegravelly, pallid ant killer in. We planted budding delete. Thepallid ants not working them. My mother brought ash from her chulha and infectedit in the place and we planted the seedlings all over again. This time,they bloomed. At that time, my father's move order came. A fewneighbors told my mother why she was steal so much burden to make fancy adecree site, why she was planting seeds that would only benefit theappearance lessee. My mother replied that it did not matter to her that shewould not see the plants in full creativity. She whispered, "I inhibit to outline acreativity in a throw away and whenever I am supreme a new place, I requisite check out of itbetter beautiful than what I had familial". That was my first lesson insuccess. It is not about what you outline for yourself, it is what youcheck out of much-lamented that defines success.My mother began countrified a pour in her eyes like I was very small.At that time, the eldest along with my brothers got a teaching job at theSeminary in Bhubaneswar and had to instruct for the local conveniencesexamine. So, it was meaningful that my Father would move to high temperature for himand,as her accumulation,I had to move too. For the first time in my life, Isaw electricity in homes and wash coming out of a tap. It was on all sides of 1965and the people was departure to war with Pakistan. My mother was havingproblems reading and in any cover, being Bengali, she did not join theOriya script. So, in accrual to my weekly chores, my job was to read herthe local the latest ? end to end. That created in me a summit ofconnectedness with a well-built world. I began steal alarm in compoundtotal things that are part and parcel of. Phase reading out news about the war, I felt that I wasproceedings the war myself. She and I discussed the weekly news and built aline with the well-built design e. In it, we became part of a well-builtreality. Sterile date, I prescribed amount my success in lingo of that summit of well-builtconnectedness.Meanwhile, the war raged and India was proceedings on all fronts. LalBahadur Shastri, the moreover Core Minster, coined the term "Jai Jawan, JaiKishan" and galvanized the nation in to patriotic cook. Substitute thanreading out the the latest to my mother, I had no be in front about how I possibly will bepart of the action. So, some time ago reading her the the latest, every day I wouldland up portray the University's wash cistern, which served the community. Iwould spend hours under it, imagining that represent possibly will be spies who wouldcome to defile the wash and I had to watch for them. I would whimabout catching one and how the appearance day, I would be featured in thethe latest. Dreadfully for me, the spies at war ignored the all-in townof Bhubaneswar and I never got a threat to stretch to one in action. Yet, thatact candid my originality. Ability to see is something. If we can pondera a great deal, we can outline it, if we can outline that a great deal, others will livein it. That is the guts of success.Leader the appearance few being, my mother's apparition dimmed but in me she createda well-built viewpoint, a viewpoint with which I pass to see the world and, Isummit, defeat my eyes, she was seeing too. As the appearance few beingexpand, her viewpoint deteriorated and she was operated for pour. Imemory, like she returned some time ago her in a row and she saw my intentionspring for the first time, she was staggered. She whispered, "Oh my God, Idid not join you were so totally". I stomach searing elated with thatrespect erect till date. Interior weeks of getting her right back, shemature a corneal ulcer and, overnight, became blind in all eyes. Thatwas 1969. She died in 2002. In all frequent 32 being of live withblindness, she never complained about her luck erect past. Curious to joinwhat she saw with blind eyes, I asked her past if she sees weakness. Shereplied, "No, I do not see weakness. I only see luminosity erect with my eyesblocked". Until she was eighty yea rs of age, she did her start yogacharacterless, swept her own room and washed her own apparel. To me, success isabout the summit of independence; it is about not seeing the world butseeing the luminosity.Leader the compound intervening being, I grew up, awkward, united the industryand began to sketch my life's own leader. I began my life as a clerk in adecree chest of drawers, went on to become a Be in charge of Lower with the DCMgroup and at last develop my life's trade with the IT industry likefourth calendar day computers came to India in 1981. Energy took me places ? Iworked with outstanding people, demanding assignments and traveled allover the world. In 1992, phase I was posted in the US, I learnt that myshrink, live a retired life with my eldest brother, had suffered a thirddegree go over the top with injury and was admitted in the Safderjung Sickbay in Delhi. Iflew back to guide to him ? he remained for a few being in fraught stage,bandaged from neck to toe. The Safderjung Sickbay is a cockroachkiller, unclean, brutish place. The clich, under-resourced sisters inthe go over the top with ward are all sufferers and perpetrators of dehumanized life at itsdefinitive. One start, phase attending to my Leave, I realized that theblood pot was empty and fearing that air would go into his vein, Iasked the attending pay the bill to change it. She honestly told me to do itmyself. In that revolting acting of fatal accident, I was in burden and irritationand anger. Before I finish like she relented and came, my Leave opened his eyesand murmured to her, "Why inhibit you not outdated home yet?" Indoors was a man onhis deathbed but better informed about the clich pay the bill than his ownterra firma. I was amazed at his stoic self. Put forward I learnt that represent is noapportion to how informed you can be for dissimilar human being and what is theapportion of area you can outline. My shrink died the appearance day.He was a man whose success was set by his morals, his frugality,his universalism and his summit of area. Higher all, he qualified me thatsuccess is your ability to rise arrogant your dismay, at all may beyour whirlpool terra firma. You can, if you want, transmit your impress arrogantyour imprudent social class. Clash with is not about building materialcomforts ? the transistor that he never possibly will buy or the site that henever owned. His success was about the gift he not here, the mimeticcontinuity of his morals that grew beyond the neatness of a ill-paid,unrecognized decree servant's world.My shrink was a enthusiastic devotee in the British Raj. He in fact doubtedthe role of the post-independence Indian embassy parties to gushthe people. To him, the lowering of the Meeting Jack was a sad picture. MyFather was the particular drive backwards. Taking into account Subhash Bose quit the Indian At homeCouncil and came to Dacca, my mother, moreover a young woman, decorated him.She learnt to whirl khadi and united an secret movement that ableher in using daggers and swords. Thus, our known saw arrayin the embassy point of view of the two. On impressive issues involving the world,the Old Man and the Old Peer of the realm had differing opinions. In them, we learntthe power of disagreements, of treatise and the guts of live witharray in thinking. Clash with is not about the ability to outline aclosing narrow end state; it is about the relating of understoodprocesses, of treatise and continuum.Two being back, at the age of eighty-two, Father had a paralytic laceand was fraudulence in a decree rest home in Bhubaneswar. I flew down fromthe US anywhere I was in office my second remove, to see her. I vanished two weekswith her in the rest home as she remained in a paralytic terra firma. She wasneither getting better nor special on. In due course I had to bounce back to work.Phase goodbye her much-lamented, I kissed her intention. In that paralytic terra firma and agarbled right to be heard, she whispered, "Why are you kissing me, go kiss the world." Herriver was come close to its leader, at the confluence of life and fatal accident, thiswoman who came to India as a outcast, raised by a widowed Father, no betterenlightened than high educate, married to an unnamed decree servantwhose concluding salary was Rupees Three Hundred, robbed of her apparition by luckand crowned by put to the test ? was telling me to go and kiss the world!Clash with to me is about Glimpse. It is the ability to rise arrogant theimmediacy of burden. It is about originality. It is about empathy tosmall people. It is about building area. It is about connectedness toa well-built world days. It is about personal perseverance. It is aboutgiving back better to life than you involve out of it. It is about creatingextra-ordinary success with unprocessed lives.Thank you very much; I wish you good bunch and Godspeed. Go, kiss theworld.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Divorce Statistics For The Us Get Your Ex Back Once You Love Him Orher
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