How cam you tell...
If a guy whos a major FLiRT %26amp;%26amp; man whore likes you..?
%26amp;%26amp; i mean really likes you..
not just wanting something from you...
The guy i like told me that if he were to date someone like me (a girl waiting to have sex until marriage) he would respect them because he would like them so much he wouldnt worry about what they would give him...
BUT he has been asking me to do stuff with him.. granit i HAVE told him that the SECOND time we were to hang out i would maybe mess around with him...
how can i tell if he likes me?
like i said hes a big flirt so he flirts with like everyone...
what do i have to do to find out..?
if he likes me would he still ask me what your wearing... %26amp;%26amp; what's underneath %26amp;%26amp; stuff like that?He likes me... he likes me not? :(?
Welcome to reality, All guys are flirts! They think about sex ~80 percent of the day...Just be happy he asks YOU those questions and NOT other girls...sure, joke around with him...just play hard to get, until, as u plan it, after marriage...Good Luck, hopefully u 2 are meant for each otherHe likes me... he likes me not? :(?
if he has had many gf's then he's a man whore but if he hasn't then its a flirt
It sounds like my man., Did it hurt? When you fell out of
heaven,... He just wants you to screw him. trust me !YOU KNOW OR YOU WOULDN'T BE ASKING,right?
Goodluck, CIAO
get a life
u wanna know wut is the sign of a guy that shows wether he like u or just flirting.
if the guy like u!
1) he respect ur decision
2) he care more wut inside u than wut u wearing
3) he will not ask u to do the stuff u dunt like
4) he can smell if u sad or even happy.
if the guy just flirt wit u!
1) u can tell when he like to show u off infront of his frend.
2) forced a lot.
3) never ask for ur opinion b4 doin sumting.
4) he luv ur face and body more than wut u feel for him.
think bout it..actually theres a lot more reason. u just have to feel it and it will come to u.
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