Saturday, May 25, 2013

Date 4 Dude Aged 34

Date 4 Dude Aged 34
Well it's week four and I have a very special one for you. But first I've got to tell you something else, last week I went to the Phantom 105.2 fancy dress Halloween party, great party. Getting into the spirit of things I dressed up as a single girl in her late twenties, scared the crap out of people. Not as good as the best outfit of the night, one guy went as a pregnancy test, he even had a section that told you how far along you were, very popular with the ladies!

The big news is by the time you read next weeks blog I'll be the big three Oh. Oh as in OH MY GOD. Happy days, one year closer to retirement, unless you're french of course, the government just keep moving the end line there. Anyway Date 4. I've got to tell you I look forward to these dates in a very strange way now! I'm not looking for Mister Right so much as Mister Write-a-blog. As soon as they start talking all I'm thinking is "go on...yes!"

The lesson from this weeks date is location, location, location. Not to bright, not to dark and quiet so you can chat and good air movement in the room, why?. Ok I'm not going to be lady like about this, I'm not sure how to be! Have you ever been anywhere in public when someone does a fart so bad it would make fairies wings fall off? You see normally you would just look around in disgust through the tears forming in your eyes and look positively offended. Then carefully scan the room for someone that looked like a vegetarian, they're the worst, lets just get it out there. On a date it's a whole different ball game. You're looking at him thinking to yourself, did you do that? Of course what's worst on dates is that he might think you did it. I'm sure if this was some kind of senior citizens dating neither of us would be sure with any confidence who did it. Not a great start or end to a date to be honest is it?

What I can say about last nights assault on my nasal cavity, was that the pub was warm, very warm, older pubs are sometimes not the best place for a first date, they have a hundred smells from a million drunken nights out that didn't end as one had planned. So there I was once again venturing out into a world filled with possibilities. I have to state now that for security reasons one can never disclose where I am on these dates. I'm not doing live shows just yet!

Finally, online dating it showing what it can be and the reason every single person out there should give it a go! Online dating is like salmon you see. Everyone prefers wild salmon but they are harder to catch, so there are times in life that you have to eat farmed salmon, if you get my meaning. I finally hit a good run. The good news is that he was tall, attractive and charming in a country boy kinda way, and interesting, very interesting. A total gentleman.

This was a different kind of date because dude 34 was deaf. At first I was a little bit worried as to how we'd communicate but I should have trusted him from the start. It brought a whole new meaning to the words read my lips, which he could by the way! He also signs. Bit awkward to start but then things just got flowing. Of course I kept saying stupid things like "sounds good" and "have you ever heard of?" But he just smiled. What's interesting is that you have to look up and make eye contact, difficult with some people but good on this date. Needless to say that I paid special attention to my lips, glossing for Ireland.

Is there a second date? I guess we'll see, I do have six other nights in the week for second, third, fourth and possibly marriage dates. At any rate I do have the next date lined up, just in case!



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