If you want to successfully win your ex boyfriend back, you will have to stop sending him text messages for the meantime. This means that you shouldn't ask him about his whereabouts, find out if he's just home or go out painting the town red with his friends. This may sound highly counterproductive, but this is very beneficial.
Refraining from texting your ex boyfriend will, despite your disbelief, grab his attention. Look at it this way: if you're constantly texting your ex boyfriend and he still isn't back with you, then it means that method doesn't work. So, if you stop texting him all of a sudden, he will start wondering why you did.
Aside from wondering about why the text messages stopped coming, he'll also start missing you and realize how much he wants you back. If you show your ex boyfriend that you're fine on your own and that you're no longer affected by the breakup, he will think that you have become this mature and strong woman who is able to handle her emotions properly and not some clingy and desperate ex girlfriend.
The next technique that you could use to win your ex boyfriend back is to send him text messages stating how much fun you're having now that you're single. These text messages must be light and short, though, and it might sound like a difficult thing to do, especially since your mind is set on winning him back; but letting your ex boyfriend know that you're back out there enjoying life the way you should and partying with friends will make him focus his attention on you.
It's a known fact that men always want what they can't have. And since you have become this fun-loving single woman in his eyes, he will automatically shift his attention to you and try to win you back. This is how reverse psychology works. You just have to shift the game in order for him start running back to you. All you have to do is focus on controlling your emotions and keeping yourself happy at the moment.
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