When I first watched "Judas", I immediately told myself: "There is no use to write about this, it is simply too obvious". I mean Gaga is in love with Judas... and Judas betrayed Jesus. It is a direct continuation of Gaga's anti-Christian and pro-Illuminati theme through symbols, as described in previous articles. What can I add to it that hasn't been said? So I ignored the video... until I began receiving e-mails. Tons of them. Many people did not understand the message of the video, some did not get the Biblical references and the way they were twisted to communicate a new message; other simply did not know who Judas was. As it is symbolic on many levels, I realized that decoding this video could help many readers - who I call my "Little Vigis" (No.). The video doesn't only summarize the underlying spiritual message found in Gaga's work, but it describes an important phenomenon happening in society in general - a phenomenon that is part of the Illuminati agenda: the "de-holyfication" of traditional religions.
In her recent interviews, Gaga has given several interpretations of the song. In an interview with E! Online she said that it was not meant as an attack of Christianity:
"I don't view the video as a religious statement, I view it as social statement. I view it as a cultural statement."On Amp Radio Gaga explained that:
"It's about falling in love with the wrong man over and over again."In another interview with Google, Gaga went deeper into the philosophical theme of the song, which is in accordance with the teachings of some occult schools we'll describe later."The song is about honoring your darkness in order to bring yourself into the light. You have to look into what's haunting you and need to learn to forgive yourself in order to move on.
The videos for Gaga's songs "Alejandro" (analyzed here) and "Born This Way" (analyzed here) communicated specific spiritual messages through meanings and symbols. Traditional religious symbols are stripped of their "holy aura" while other symbols, inspired by those of the Illuminati, are introduced and glorified to her young viewers. Of course, this phenomenon does not happen only in Gaga's works, but is a trend in mass media in general. Aleister Crowley, an occultist who remains an incredibly influential figure in the entertainment industry, claimed the Age of Horus, a new stage in human history, would be defined by the abandonment of traditional religions in order to embrace a new kind of spirituality ( on Crowley here). The same vision for a "new Aeon" is shared by the world elite, where its plans for a New World Order heavily rely on the existence of a single world religion, based on a specific set of values that are compatible with is Agenda. Mass media plays an important role in this paradigm shift - and the results are astonishing. In less than a century, the Western World has witnessed a drastic decline in religious faith, especially Christian. Never such a profound societal change happened in such a short period of time. Of course, Gaga herself is not responsible for this drastic shift, but "Judas", in its meaning and symbolism, perfectly describes the transitional period we are going through, as society is taken to, in Crowley's words, the Age of Horus.
It is therefore in this social and religious context that "Judas" was released. First seen riding with Jesus, Gaga goes into a transition and falls for Judas, the man who ultimately caused the death of Jesus. Gaga's conversion is symbolic of society in general, where the altruistic tenets of Christianity have been replaced by a more "self-celebrating" philosophy - embodied in the video by the character of Judas. In short, the story symbolizes the passage towards Crowley's Age of Horus, and Gaga's "Eye of Horus" makeup effectively seems to emphasize this point. As seen in previous articles, Gaga is no stranger to Crowley' philosophy (her Manifesto at the beginning of "Born This Way" is heavily inspired by his Thelema). This philosophy is, in turn, the basis of the new kind of spirituality that is sold to the masses through media....
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