Monday, September 8, 2008

Online Dating Tips For Men Which Are You The Turtle The Rabbit Or The Fox

Online Dating Tips For Men Which Are You The Turtle The Rabbit Or The Fox
For experts in online dating, the challenge is not how to improve your free dating site profile, but how to make the transition from meeting someone on the internet and interacting with them for real. This phase can make or great a relationship. It is crucial to take note that balance should be maintained. On one hand, you don't want to seem aggressive. But on the other, you don't want to look too desperate either. Aggression can be a good thing depending on the level of attraction between you and your date. If she is sending you good vibes then making a move is usually a good idea. Desperation is never good though. You might look needy, out of control, or a loser. And if you have the bad luck of meeting a gold-digger, it is possible that she might take advantage of you as well. So how can you strike the right balance? We have used the analogy of the turtle, rabbit, and the fox to help you out. What fox? Read on. TURTLE - the approach of the turtle is, obviously, very slow. You spend too much time exchanging emails, chatting over messenger, and talking on the phone. This online dating approach is not necessarily bad but the main downside is that you don't get to see each other physically to find out if there is real chemistry. And there might be another guy that's trying to meet up with your online date. As in the story, the rabbit might win the race. RABBIT - the rabbit is the exact opposite of the turtle. These guys want to meet ASAP, on the same day if possible. This approach works best when you are talking to spontaneous women who are willing to meet you. "RABBITS" also have a lot of luck with women craving for some exciting adventures in their lives. But like the turtle, there are disadvantages to this tactic. There might not be a connection between the two of you at all; it is also possible that the woman you meet through online dating is emotionally imbalanced. FOX - fortunately, there is a middle ground between the turtle and rabbit. That is, once you have a mutual connection from free dating sites, you should take one step further. Also, be smart about the place where the two of you will meet. Choose a comfortable spot that isn't your home turf or hers. Recommended books (downloadable pdfs):C Kellogg - Top Dating Tips For Weary SinglesC Kellogg - Dating Tips For Men Special ReportLabels: people dont thundercat opener reasons fail dating obstacles best songs friends exes keys seducing woman prefer women singles dating christian dating dating and friends communication difficulties dating a white woman



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