Saturday, September 20, 2008

What Attracts Men To Women Some Insights For The Modern Man

What Attracts Men To Women Some Insights For The Modern Man
Just like any other guy, you probably already have a particular dream girl in your mind. But as you grows older and after having met with different women, your preferences will start taking on more definitive characteristics.

For the most part, you will never forget your dream girl but maybe understanding what attracts men to women will help you understand why you simply can't get certain women out of your mind.

So what attracts men to women? Here are some things for you to consider.

* Women who smile a lot. Men will always be up for a challenge but they will let their guard down with any woman who smiles a lot. Authentic smiles are what attracts men to women because aside from appearing generally friendly and approachable, a woman who is always smiling will seem very happy and content. No one likes being around miserable people so it is no secret why you gravitate towards the smiling ladies. And when people are happy, they are also usually more confident. A confident women is definitely attractive.

* Women who are confident. Confidence is what attracts men to women because there is just something so hot and irresistible about a woman who is in control. Men like being needed, of course, but a woman who lacks self-confidence just ends up being so needy it starts to be repulsive to guys. Gone are the days when women are relegated to simply obey what the men have them do. Today, women are appreciated more for being their own person.

* Women who present a challenge. This is not to mean that what attracts men to women is simply the chase. Rather, men just simply do not like women pursuing them. It has to be the other way around. Men have to do the work. They may run into a lot of hassles because of it but every man will agree that it has to be the man who does the work in the art of courtship and even in seductive circumstances. They will also tell you that usually the effort they put in is tantamount to the reward they get afterwards so everyone is happy in the end.

* Women who are funny. In the same way that girls like men who can make them laugh, men too want women who can make them laugh. There is nothing more horrible than finding out you do not have the same kind of sense of humor.

* Women are cool. The "cool girl" image is what attracts men to women because it allows them to enjoy all the good things about women without having to deal with a lot of the bad stuff. Basically, the "cool girl" is one of those girls that can pretty much hang with the boys but still stays cute and sexy. She's fun and laid back and does not come with a lot of drama. She can be herself but still seem like she is one of your buddies; well actually. A very cute and sexy buddy.

* Women who are fit. There are different kinds of body types so what attracts men to women generally differs. However, there is still a general preference for a smaller size. In fact, men are more likely to notice a woman's body way before they start looking at her face. Most men will be so focused on her hot body to care. If she does have a pretty face, then that's really just a bonus.

* Women who are mysterious. No one likes the full 9 course meal being dished out too soon. Obviously, this is because it takes away the excitement of getting to know each other. Unfortunately, some women are just open books and you pretty much get to figure out almost everything about her on the first date. This makes things boring during the courtship process. Consequently, some men may feel that it is just not worth more effort and these men might men stray away sooner than one would hope.


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