Friday, May 8, 2009

Wise Words Love Words Love Quotes And Sayings

Wise Words Love Words Love Quotes And Sayings
"Attachment never ask, it forever give; love bring about disruption, but never revenge. Everywhere offer is love, offer is life; hate bring about to destruction."

"God give us two legs to stir, two hands to operate, two ears to discover and two eyes to see. But why God only give us one heart? Seeing that God give the last aim to team we love."

"Exhibit are two tears flow in the flood. One of that tears suffer the last, "I am a tug from a girl who loves a man but that man make ineffective to one side her love. Who are you?". The last tug total, "I am a tug from a man who is regrets what he let a girl who loves him to go to one side."

"Moral love is while team we love happy with the last person he/she love, and we still can beam, to the same extent said: I'm happy while you're happy."

"Like we love team, we will forever entreat for him/her standardized despite the fact that he/she not offer in our side."

"Don't say goodbye if you still want to try. Don't give up if you still feel helpful. Don't say you don't love him/her anymore if you still not be able to forget him/her."

"The feeling of love wide open from eyes, to the same extent the feeling of like wide open from ears. So, if you want to stop like team, it's amply to close your ears. But, if you try to close your eyes from team you love, that love change to become tears drop and will forever stay in your aim for a long long time."

"Attachment comes to the one who is still possess reverie standardized despite the fact that they possess had disgruntled. To them that is still hang on, eventhough they possess had betrayed. To them that is still want to love, eventhough they possess had hurts prior and to them that is still having daring and guarantee to build back confidence."

"Don't keep your love words to team you love and possess until he/she die, finally you don't possess a likes and dislikes except you pierce those love words in his/her formal. But, tell him/her about your love words that is stored in your aim right now as he/she still exciting." (Don't possess until tomorrow what you can do today!)

"Maybe God wants us to meet and make love with team that is not splendidly for us prior we meet team that is splendidly for us. We necessary understand how to say thank for that great capability."

"Attachment don't teach us to vacillating, but to foster power. Attachment don't teach us to denigration ourself, but to foster self-importance. Attachment don't vacillating the spirit, but to foster spirit."

"Attachment can change cold to musical, dust to gold, spot to original, unpleasantly to handle, poke to castle, contrition to joy, and anger to capability."

"It is hurts while we love team that's not love us, but it is advanced hurts while we love team and we don't possess daring to say: 'I Attachment You!'."

"The saddest thingamabob in this life is while we met team select, just to execute that in the end that's not appreciate anymore and you possess to let it go."

"You advise that you critically miss team, and while you wide open to thinking about it, your aim turns to strapped for cash. And just to discover he/she designed "Hi!" to you, your aim that is fiasco prior, turns to reconcile."

"Sometimes we don't reverence team who loves us with all of the aim, and we done them. At that point, our regrets is mean nil."

"Don't love team like a flower, what flower will sun-bleached while sense change. Attachment her like a flood, what flood will flow forever."

"Attachment can melt easy, contravene stone, foster the sufferers and can make slave become leader. That's the splendor of love!"

"The wide open of love is to let team you love to become themselves, and not try to change them as you like."

"Attachment sayings that is only comes from maw doesn't mean no matter what. Attachment sayings that is comes from understand aim can handle the tryout at the aim of team who discover it."

"You don't standardized advise while you are will fall in love. But, if that day is come, deception with your hands, and don't let it go."

"Attachment is not an easy and shoddy thingamabob to say from chin to chin, but love is a beautiful and divine capability from God if we can while it."

"It's not sea if never possess a wiggle. It's not love if aim never hurts. It's not lover if they never jealous."

"Overall love is easy. To be loved is easy too. But, to be loved by team we love is hard to get."

"The only way to get love is never push to be loved, but wide open to give love first to team without look-in to get rewards."

See also:

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