Monday, October 14, 2013

Father Gets Just 3 Months Jail For Killing His Daughter

Father Gets Just 3 Months Jail For Killing His Daughter

Dylan Kuhn with his girlfriend April Coleman

holding baby Sailor Serenity Raine Kuhn

By: Debbie Gross 

(Scroll down for video) A drunken teenage father killed his six-month-old baby girl, Sailor Serenity Raine Kuhn, because she cried too much.

Dylan Kuhn, 19, pleaded guilty to manslaughter after throwing his baby onto the bed on November 1, 2011, after partying with friends the night before on Halloween.

Kuhn admitted that after a night of partying he aggressively threw his daughter on the bed. She had been crying and he did not know how to get her to be quiet, so he became frustrated.

"I told her to shut up and slammed her on the mattress," the father said. Later, she was found dead.

The medical examiner declared that the child died of trauma related to being banged against a soft, but unyielding surface.

It appears the judge was swayed by the emotional testimony of Kuhn's mother who said: "I am so worried that if you send him away to prison for a long time he will shut down. I don't know why it went this far. It was an accident. He loved baby Sailor, she was his life and he has been destroyed by the tragedy."

Kuhn still lives with his girlfriend April Coleman, who is the mother of the baby.

The maximum sentence could have been four years in prison. Judge Walker sentenced Kuhn to 3 months behind bars, an evaluation and treatment for his mental health and ordered him not to be allowed to be alone with children under the age of 10. He was also ordered to pay court costs and possible restitution.

After the sentencing Judge Walker told Kuhn: "I am giving you the opportunity, make the best of this opportunity, if nothing else, to honor your daughter's memory."

The judge strongly believed that a long prison sentences cause criminals to repeat their offenses more often rather than deter them.

The defense attorney showed the video recording of Kuhn's first interview with prosecutors after his arrest, which showed Kuhn crying through the entire interview.

He first told them that the baby had fallen off the couch, but changed his story after being told the evidence did not support his claim.

"I didn't mean to hurt her, I did put her in her bed too hard," he said in the recorded interview.

When his girlfriend Miss Coleman testified, she said: "Dylan loved Sailor. The times I observed him with Sailor he was great. I am not exactly sure what happened here."

After being sentenced, an emotional Kuhn spoke to the court.

"I loved my daughter very much. I am very sorry. I was told I was too young to raise her, and that turned out to be true, I am sorry to everyone. I can't bring her back," he said weeping.



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