Sunday, March 1, 2015

How To Keep A Long Distance Relationship

How To Keep A Long Distance Relationship
During these times of growing pressures, responsibilities and stress, maintaining a successful relationship is not always easy. And when distance comes in between, the situation gets even more complex. However, if both of you are committed to one another, you can not only make your long distance relationship work but even make it grow with time.

o Communicate With Each Other Daily: Call, email or voice chat.

o Keep Him / Her Informed: Talk to your partner about your successes and failures, no matter how insignificant they may be.

o Meet as Often as Possible: Spend quality time with one another whenever possible.

o Surprise One Another: Cards, flowers, gifts and love letters can help you to keep the romance alive and make every day special.

o Get a webcam so you can chat with each other online with video. It's always nice to see someone's face when you miss them.

o Make sure you schedule out the dates that you are expecting to do visits with each other. This helps reduce anxiety and worry about whether either of you are making any effort to see one another.

Good luck with you long distance relationship and hopefully it is only for a short term and that one of you will make the commitment to move closer so that you can remove the distance gap that might be creating any pressure on the relationship. If your partner is in the military and that is what is causing the long-distance relationship then make sure you keep yourself busy by surrounding yourself with other people that might be in the same situation as yourself. Don't go out hitting the bars thinking that your partner might be doing the same thing. Stay focused on your relationship and be patient with the prospect of when they will be returning home.

-Brian R.



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