Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Overcoming Lmr

So, last minute resistance is definitely pretty common. Most girls will put up a bit of resistance the first time you are both in bed together - especially if she sees you as boyfriend potential - so, what are some of the best ways to get passed LMR &/or avoid it coming up in the first place?

These are a few examples of LMR tactics/approaches that have worked for me, with a little bit of background on each situation.

A) *Agreeing that you shouldn't have sex that night*(Got this strategy from MM originally). Hanging out with a girl (target) & her friend, HB7, first time hanging out, at her place. Friend goes to bed, target says - "You can sleep over, but we're not having sex." - Everyone knows this means that you're *probably* getting laid. My response - "Oh yeah, no problem, we can just hang out." Go to her room, make-out, talk, talk about having sex, I said something along the line - "Yeah, I think we should wait." - which of course makes her want it more. Make-out & escalate to touching boobs, ass, grasping her hair at back of neck, etc. She was ready to go & we had sex. A very easy lay with little resistance.

B) *Telling the girl that you'll go out with her 2 to 3 times & on that 2nd or 3rd hang-out, you'll be having sex with her - NO &'s if's or but's* (David X) I've used this strategy once or twice when I really didn't feel like leaving sex to chance. You definitely get a lot of verbal resistance & questions like - "Well, why do you care about having sex so soon if you're not just going to do a hit & run?" - but with a lot of honesty, humor & sticking to your *sex on the 2nd date* rule, it can work.

C) *Using primal/evolutionary sex triggers to get her turned on & ready for sex* (David DeAngelo - Smelling a girls hair, grasping the hair at the lower back portion of her neck, spanking, etc. - These should be a part of every seduction really. The hair smelling one actually works extremely well.

Am I missing any tactics/strategies here? There is also the "freeze out" technique, which I myself tend to use sparingly. Which of the three tactics I've listed above have worked best for you? Feel free to list your own strategies/stories as well!


- M

Origin: mark-rayan-pua.blogspot.com


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